A goth band that time forgot, Gene Loves Jezebel did their greatest work in the shadows.
‘Cast Your Fate To The Wind’
A hit when jazz was widely considered out of style, ‘Cast Your Fate To The Wind’ set the course of Vince Guaraldi’s career.
‘Lying Again’
If Bob Geldof shamelessly wrote the A-side with a hit single in mind, it’s one whose chorus lyrics (“She’s so 20th century/She’s so 1970s”) dated as fast as its cartoon bombast.
‘Herr X’
Pretensions in the revamped camp Ultravox went far beyond singer Midge Ure’s angular sideburns and Burberry raincoat.
‘If You’re So Smart (Why Do You Have A Broken Heart)’
It’s easy to see why Philadelphia indie imprint Arlen imprint plumped for ‘Deep Inside Me’ as the Tams first single.
‘Regression Session’
MC 900 Ft. Jesus voyaged through several different worlds over his curtailed three-album career.